Sports & Athletics

Sports not only test our physical limits but teach the heart resilience and the mind discipline. Through competition and camaraderie, we learn both the joy of victory and the lessons of defeat.

Sports Day

On the 21st of July 2023, Auxilium PU College hosted its much-awaited Sports Meet 2023-24, a day filled with fervour, sportsmanship, and camaraderie. The event commenced with a solemn prayer and a mesmerizing dance performance that set the stage for an unforgettable day.

The program’s chief guest was the distinguished Rev. Sr. Sherley Joseph, whose presence added grandeur to the occasion. The event began in earnest with the unfurling of the college sports Flag by Rev. Sr. Sherley Joseph, signifying the official opening of the sports meet. A torch relay followed, symbolizing the spirit of unity and determination that sports instil in us.

Master Shreyas, the Sports Secretary, played a pivotal role in the proceedings. He introduced the captains of all participating teams to the chief guest, accompanied by our esteemed principal, Rev. Sr. Margaret. This introduction fostered a sense of camaraderie and competition among the teams, setting the stage for thrilling athletic and group contests.

After the Inaugural function, the sports meet unfolded with a series of exhilarating events, including various athletic competitions and captivating group events. The college & athletes exhibited remarkable talent and dedication, making each event a spectacle to behold.

Principal Rev. Sr. Margaret took a moment to express her appreciation for Mr. Girish PET who coordinated the day so efficiently and the students who participated with unwavering enthusiasm and showcased their skills in all the events. Her words of encouragement and pride resonated with everyone present, reinforcing the importance of sports in education.

As the sun began to set on this memorable day, the Annual Sports Meet 2023-24 drew to a close with a heartfelt vote of thanks. The entire gathering, brimming with pride and unity, came together to sing the national anthem. This poignant moment marked the splendid conclusion of a day filled with sportsmanship, teamwork, and the indomitable spirit of Auxilium PU College.

The Annual Sports Meet 2023-24 will be etched in our memories as a day of celebration, unity, and the pursuit of excellence, thanks to the dedication and enthusiasm of all those involved.


Fitness is not just about having an aesthetically pleasing body, but it’s a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being. It encompasses various elements such as strength, flexibility, endurance, and cardiovascular health. Regular exercise, coupled with a balanced diet, is key to maintaining fitness. It improves our body’s ability to fight diseases, boosts mental health by reducing stress and anxiety, and enhances overall productivity. Fitness also plays a crucial role in improving self-esteem and promoting a positive body image. Whether through individual exercises or group activities, 


Athletics fosters discipline, enhances physical strength, promotes teamwork, encourages competition, and helps build perseverance and resilience.

– Baseball

– Basketball

– Cricket

– Volley Ball

– Tennis

– Kabaddi

-Tennis Volley Ball


-Throw Ball
