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A learning agreement wzor, also known as a learning agreement template, is a document that outlines a formal agreement between a student, their home institution, and their host institution. The purpose of this agreement is to ensure that the student`s academic goals are aligned with their chosen program abroad, and that they will receive credit for their coursework upon completion.

Learning agreement wzors are a crucial component of academic mobility programs, which allow students to study abroad and gain international academic experience. These programs offer students the opportunity to broaden their horizons and gain a global perspective, while also enhancing their academic and professional skills.

The learning agreement wzor typically includes the following information:

1. Identification of the student, their home institution, and their host institution

2. The student`s study program and their intended coursework abroad

3. The expected length of the program

4. The number of credits the student will receive upon completion of their coursework

5. The assessment methods to be used to evaluate the student`s progress and performance

6. Signatures from all parties involved in the agreement

Learning agreement wzors are important for several reasons. First, they provide a clear understanding of the student`s academic goals and the courses they will be taking abroad. This ensures that the student`s coursework will be relevant to their intended program of study and that they will receive credit for their work.

Second, the agreement helps to ensure that the student`s program abroad is recognized by their home institution. This ensures that the student will not face any delays or complications when they return home and attempt to transfer their credits or continue their academic studies.

Finally, the learning agreement wzor helps to establish clear expectations and responsibilities for all parties involved. This can help to avoid misunderstandings or disputes and ensure that the student has a successful and productive academic experience abroad.

In conclusion, a learning agreement wzor is an important document for students participating in academic mobility programs. It establishes clear expectations and responsibilities for all parties involved and ensures that the student`s academic goals are aligned with their chosen program abroad. As such, it is crucial for students to carefully review and understand the terms of their learning agreement wzor before embarking on their academic journey abroad.