Co-Curricular And Extra -Curricular Activities

Auxilium PU College offers diverse co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, fostering holistic growth, leadership, and character development.

The co-curricular and extra-curricular activities are designed for the all-round development of the students. Growth in personality of the students include all that enables a young person to become aware of her/his God-given talents and to develop them to their full potential for the glory of God and the service of society. Opportunities are provided for co-curricular and extracurricular activities such as literary, cultural, sports, leadership training course etc., to enable the students to develop leadership qualities, organizational skills, self-expression and character. Working together in a spirit of reciprocity and communion is happily encouraged. All unhealthy competition and structures which foster it are strongly discouraged. The college has introduced many clubs in order to give all-round development of the students: They are: Science club, Cultural club, Literary club Sports club, Eco Club, Red club and VIDES (Volunteers In Development, Education & Solidarity)






years of history