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If you`re starting a business with a partner, it`s important to have a legal agreement in place to outline each person`s responsibilities and expectations. A business partners agreement template is a great starting point for creating a comprehensive and legally binding document. In this article, we`ll discuss what a business partners agreement is, the importance of having one, and what should be included in the document.

What is a Business Partners Agreement?

A business partners agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a business partnership. It sets out each partner`s responsibilities, including their roles, expectations, and obligations towards the business. The agreement can also outline how profits and losses will be distributed between partners, as well as how decisions will be made within the partnership.

Why is a Business Partners Agreement Important?

A business partners agreement is important for several reasons. Firstly, it helps to clarify each partner`s responsibilities and expectations, which can help prevent any misunderstandings or disputes down the line. Secondly, it can help protect each partner`s financial interests within the business. Without a clear agreement in place, it`s easy for one partner to take advantage of the other or for disputes to arise over how profits are shared. Finally, having a business partners agreement can help to establish a strong foundation for the partnership, which can help it to grow and thrive over time.

What should be Included in a Business Partners Agreement?

A business partners agreement should be tailored to the specific needs of the partnership, but there are several key elements that should be included in the document. These include:

1. Name and Purpose of the Partnership – The name of the partnership and a clear statement of its purpose should be included in the agreement.

2. Roles and Responsibilities – The agreement should outline each partner`s roles and responsibilities within the partnership, including their duties and obligations.

3. Profit and Loss Sharing – The document should outline how profits and losses will be shared between partners and how they will be calculated.

4. Decision Making Process – The agreement should outline how decisions will be made within the partnership, including any procedures for resolving disputes.

5. Exit Strategy – The agreement should include an exit strategy for each partner, outlining what will happen if one partner wishes to leave the partnership, or if the partnership is dissolved.

6. Confidentiality and Non-Compete Clauses – The document should include clauses to protect confidential information and prevent partners from competing against the business.

7. Dispute Resolution – A clearly defined procedure for resolving disputes between partners should be included in the agreement.

In conclusion, a business partners agreement is a vital document for any partnership. It helps to establish clear communication, clarify responsibilities, and protect each partner`s financial interests. If you`re starting a business with a partner, it`s important to create a comprehensive and legally binding agreement that outlines the terms and conditions of your partnership. Use a business partners agreement template as a starting point, and work with a legal professional to customize it to your specific needs.